Brezain Edelmont

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Brezain is a semi-hard Raclette-style French cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is produced in the region of Haute-Savoie, where it must mature for at least 5 months. Its name is derived from the word braisé, which means embers, referring to the method of smoking the cheese over beech and juniper wood, giving it a visually attractive amber colour and a unique flavour.

Brezain has a creamy texture, while the flavours are nutty, smoky, and caramel-like. It's recommended to melt it over potatoes, use it for fondues, sandwiches, or as a pizza topping. Pair it with Pinot Noir or a rich amber beer.

Technical Information
Origin Savoie France
Type pressed, uncooked
Milk pasteurized cow's milk
Rind smoked
Texture supple and melting
Flavour smoky, nutty, caramel
Aroma smoky

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