Ch Margaux

Ch Margaux

Founded in the 1400's, located in Margaux itself, and once the residence of Edward III, King of England, Chateau Margaux is said to be one of the most beautiful chateaux of Bordeaux, and the only one having the privilege to bear the name of its appellation. Chateau Margaux, a 1er Cru Classe property, has been owned by the Mentzelopoulos family since 1977 - since then it has consistently produced the finest wines in the Medoc.

It took just one vintage, 1978, for the world to see just how great Chateau Margaux could be. Andre Mentzelopoulos died before he could see the fruits of his labor but his wife Laura and daughter Corinne still run the show, now with the expertise of the technical director Sebastien Vergne.

Chateau Margaux produces wonderful wines, and the second wine, Pavillon Rouge, is also a great example of Margaux unique terroir.